
Chicken Gravy Recipe in Village Style || Simple and Easy Chicken Curry Recipe

  • 12min 03s

Chicken Gravy Recipe in Village Style || Simple and Easy Chicken Curry Recipe, Kanchhi Kitchen, Sitan House.

There is a forest some distance from our house. The place is a little far from the settlement and very quiet. After deciding to cook in that environment, my son and I went there carrying all the cooking ingredients. And this time we were preparing to cook chicken curry in slightly different way. We first roasted chicken on the fire and chopped it into pieces. When the meat is roasted and cooked in this way, the meat has a slightly different taste like a meat of a local chicken. You must have liked the video. If you enjoying watching this video then do support by subscribing so that you won’t miss my next videos.

हाम्रो घर भन्दा केहि पर जंगल छ । ठाउँ बस्तिभन्दा अलि पर अनि धेरैनै शान्त छ । त्यहाँको परिवेशमा कुकिङ गर्ने निर्णय गरिसकेपछि म र मेरो छोरा त्यस तर्फ सबैको कुकिङको सबै सामग्रीहरु बोकेर गयौं । अनि यसपटक भने हामिहरुले कुखुराको मासु पकाउने तयारीमा थियौं । सधै पकाएर खाएकै तरिका तर अलिकति फरक । हामिहरुले लगेको कुरालाई पहिले आगोमा केहिवेर पोल्यौ र त्यसलाई टुक्रा–टुक्रा बनाएर गाउँकै तरिकाले पकाएका थियौं । यसरी मासु पोलेर पकाउँदा चै मासुमा अलि भिन्न किसिमको स्वाद आउँदो रहेछ । मासु पोल्दा मासु पनि लोकल कखुराको मासुको स्वाद जस्तै आउँदो रहेछ । हजुरहरुलाई भिडियो पक्कै पनि मन प¥यो होला ।